Return of the Shadow is a game based on the Fourth Age of Arda, J.R.R. Tolkien's wonderful world of fantasy. Game play takes place after the destruction of the One Ring. After Sauron's fall, a period of peace was laid about the land, and the Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and Hobbits prospered.
However, these times of peace were forever threatened by a growing danger in Greenwood the Great. Once again, Orcs and other hideous things squirmed in dark places and began to multiply; the mighty forest became Mirkwood again. In response to these troubling events, the Free Peoples of Arda took alliance once again to combat the still unknown force behind the ever-rising threat from the forest--a threat which became known as the Shadow.
As a player of RotS, you get to decide whether you will aid the Free Peoples in their fight against the Shadow or fester in the depths on Mirkwood as a minion of its power. Since the Shadow is fledgling and has not come to its true power, players who choose to side with it will play races which have been intentionally weakened. The dark races of Arda face unusual quirks and disadvantages that the Free Peoples needn't worry about; and for this reason, we recommend evil characters only to experienced MUDders.
March 08, 2024
There is now a training area at the start of the game that has two paths.One path for players new to RotS and one path for players new to muds ingeneral. It is locked to level 1 or 2 players that are human, elf, dwarf, orhobbit. Thanks to Anqituity for making the place look good and to everyone else whoprovided feedback on the area.
Do you wish to side with the Free People of Middle Earth and defend the innocent from the darkness in Southern Mirkwoods?
Choose between Humans, Wood-Elves, Hobbits, Dwarves, and Beornings.
Will you be a fierce guardian of Dol-Guldur and ravage the land of all that is pure and good?
Choose between Uruk-Hais, Common Orcs, and Olog-Hais.
Do you wish to watch the world burn and choose no side but pure evil?
Choose between Uruk-Lhuths and Haradrims.